Senior Luncheons
The Senior Luncheons will be on the first Tuesday in the month. All luncheons start at 12:00. Please be sure to bring a covered dish. Please come and join us.
January 2024-No Senior Luncheon
February 6, 2024-Hayden Robertson will be the guest speaker
March 11, 2024-Rev. Steve Tyree bringing music
April 2, 2024-Speaker Lt. Koda-Amherst County Sheriff’s Dept. (on scam)
May 7, 2024-Music by Rebecca Bryant & S. T. Morcom
June 4, 2024-Sheila Peters with the Williams Home will be the speaker
July 2, 2024-Evangeline & John Anderson will present a musical program
August 6, 2024-“Little Mountain Boys” will present a musical program
September 3, 2024-Two girls will be speaking from Central Va. Alliance Community Living (Medicare & Fraud)
October 1, 2024-Musical program by Cynthia Page & Tom Floyd
November 5, 2024-No Senior Luncheon
December 10, 2024-Rebeccah Bryant & S. T. Morcom present a musical
Calendar Events 2024
January 21-Baptist Men’s Day at 10:30 am service
February 11-Kids sing special music 10:30 am service
February 11-after service-Lunch out & delivering Valentines to Fairmont Crossing
February 18-Baptist Women’s Day 10:30 am service
March 17-Kids sing special music 10:30 am service
March 17-Ladies Tea Party 2:00 pm
March 24-Easter Cantata-10:30 am
March 24-Children’s Easter Egg Hunt & Party Party 3:00 pm
March 31-Sunrise Service 8:00 am, Breakfast 8:30 am, Sunday School 9:30 am; Worship Service 10:30 am
May 12-Recognizing all Mothers
June 6-13-Vacation Bible School
June 16-Recognizing all Fathers
October 13-16-Revival (Sunday morning 10:30 AM & 6:00 PM Sunday night through Wednesday night
October 25-Trunk or Treat 6:00-8:00 PM
December 15-Christmas Cantata
December 15-Children’s Christmas Party 3:00-5:00 PM
December 22-Children Singing in Worship Service