

Interim Pastor

Rev. Glynn Coleman

Assistant Pastor

Rev. B. J. Butler


Sylvia Bradley
434-929-3764  |

A native of Nelson County, Virginia, Sylvia was saved at the early age of nine. She married her childhood sweetheart, Andy, and they celebrated 53 years of marriage in June 2018.  Sylvia has 25 years in the banking industry, and over seven years of service as church secretary from a previous church. Sylvia has one daughter, and is grandmother to two active boys, and two feisty puppies called Little Andy and Casey.  When she is not working, she enjoys reading, gardening, working in the yard. She also currently serves as the Librarian and WMU director at First Baptist Church of Monroe.

The church secretary at FBCM is an integral component in ensuring the smooth day-to-day operations of our church. The person in this position primarily assists and supports our pastors and church ministry leaders as they plan, develop, and implement the ministries of our church.

The church secretary helps prepare for the Sunday worship services including completing the bulletins, PowerPoint slides, and other tasks as directed by the Pastor. Other duties include maintaining the church membership roll, keeping the website updated, preparing monthly calendars and newsletters, updating bulletin boards, and serving as financial secretary.

Music Director

Jessica Morris


Lisa Layne

Jessica and Lisa are sisters that have grown up in First Baptist Church of Monroe. Their mother was Choir Director for many years and their father also served in many rolls within the church. It is their honor and privilege to get to continue to serve the Lord in their family’s church.”

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